That Dirty Word – Diversity

diversityA report from that radical, left-wing Scientific American on the benefits of diversity.

“Decades of research by organizational scientists, psychologists, sociologists, economists and demographers show that socially diverse groups (that is, those with a diversity of race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation) are more innovative than homogeneous groups.”

Continue reading “That Dirty Word – Diversity”

Boycotting Starbucks

711coffee-cupIf you are outraged by the War on ChristmasTM and the holiday cups Starbucks Coffee is foisting on us, there are options available to you. The folks at Willamette Week newspaper have researched the marketplace and identified coffee alternatives.

The winner? McDonald’s, who else?

More Travel News

unitedUnited Airlines is feeling pressure to maintain its position as “Worst Airline Ever.” With Frontier, Spirit and Allegiant competing for the title, United has taken a bold step to make air travel even more unpleasant for their customers.

Continue reading “More Travel News”

Another Victim of the Digital Revolution

Click to enlarge

Something you may not have noticed in your travels: the disappearance of “Vacancy” signs. Fewer and fewer motels and hotels display them. Travelers these days can use a smartphone app to see what lodging is at the expected destination and can call ahead to check on availability.

Fewer mom-and-pop motels exist; chain hotels, as in other industries, are more prevalent. The chains don’t want to advertise that they are full. They want the traveler to come inside, so if there is no room at the inn, they can be directed to a nearby property operated by the same chain.

If you are planning a motor trip, is an excellent resource for traveling off the interstates. Or you could buy the book.

Free at Last… Free at Last!

selfies-678x349After nearly eight years of oppression, we white people have finally broken the shackles of political correctness.

Kory Duquette – Arab, Alabama:

Trump has eliminated “that uncomfortable feeling of being afraid to speak your mind as a white man. There is nothing wrong with being white.”

Christine Bolan – St. Paul, Minnesota:

“Obama cared more about black people.” Democratic politicians have too often tried to make her “ashamed to be white.”

Richard Spencer – Whitefish, Montana:

“… white Americans of all classes revolting against political correctness.”

Feel better?