Republicans, that Grand Old Party: the party that strongly believes in personal responsibility; that fetishizes John Galt; that legislates work requirement for SNAP – aka food stamp – recipients; believes that if you don’t work, you shouldn’t eat; that thinks you shouldn’t have to pay for someone else’s medical care; that claims to be working for the American people – yes that Republican Party.

Former and soon-to-be-next House Speaker Nancy Pelosi demonstrated how to bait the current occupant of the White House when she declared he did not have the votes to fund his border wall. What makes her so sure? Maybe it’s because lame-duck Republican representatives who lost their seats in the 2018 election are not bothering to show up for Congressional votes. They apparently have decided they’re not going to work for the remainder of their terms.
No doubt they are still cashing their paychecks, however, and utilizing their taxpayer-funded health coverage.