… and prayin’ for rain.
Scenes from the neighborhood:
George’s slightly off-center view of the world
The South Waterfront in Portland is a neighborhood in transition. Formerly a heavy industrial area – the attendant pollution has supposedly been cleaned – it now features high-rise condominiums and newly-constructed apartment buildings. Although a couple restaurants have come and gone, in the last few weeks three, count ‘em, three new pizza shops have opened. There is also a gourmet ice cream shop and a place selling four-dollar donuts.
Zidell is building its last barge. They have concluded developing their waterfront property is more lucrative than building vessels. Food carts are now adjacent to their barge construction.
As my hometown has metamorphosed from sleepy Portland to hip Portlandia, dogs have become a must-have accessory for many . . . which brings us to Jerry Seinfeld: