How to Create a Market for Your Product

Gi 8231Pendleton Woolen Mills opened in 1896 and was the first mill started specifically to make Indian trade blankets. Today the Pendleton brand is known for quality women’s and men’s clothing, home furnishings and blankets. They sell their products in company-owned stores and through high-end retailers in the U.S. and other countries. Blankets originally made for the “Indian Trade” have become “Native American Inspired.”

Continue reading “How to Create a Market for Your Product”

Sand… In All the Wrong Places

sand_and_deliverOn the subject of the Middle East, two things come to mind: oil and sand. Oh, and Jennifer Aniston giving up her first-class cocoon on Emirates Air for a middle seat between two kids playing video games.

So why is Dubai importing sand?

Continue reading “Sand… In All the Wrong Places”

Climate Change – Real or Hoax?

fire-8754The western United States has suffered a large increase in wildfires in over the past three decades. A new study reports that the area burned is twice what used to be normal. That’s an additional 16,000 square miles of scorched earth. The report blames climate change; more specifically, climate change caused by human activity.

The higher temperatures dry the air, sucking moisture from plants, trees and dead vegetation. Millions of trees are dead, killed by warm-weather beetles. Less snow fall means less snow melt which means drier ground.

The report concludes that wildfires may eventually become smaller as there is less to burn.

For some amusement, read the comments below the Los Angeles Times story. Deniers are eager to flaunt their willful ignorance by posting the same dreary, debunked bromides.

The Great Monster Cereal Panic

cereal-aisleSales of cold cereal have been declining in recent years. The quick and smarmy answer would be it’s the millennial generation. They don’t eat cereal because it’s too much trouble to clean the bowl afterwards. Critics claim ready-to-eat cereal has much too much sugar and little nutritional value. Whatever the reason, it’s not as worrisome as the great Franken Berry Stool scare of the seventies.

Panicked mothers rushed their children to emergency rooms around the nation, fearing internal bleeding. Turned out it was merely the red dye General Mills used to give their Red Razberry Zingers cereal its appealing color. Similar outcomes resulted from eating Count Chocula, Boo Berry and other sugar- and color-filled “Monster” cereals marketed to children.

Click here to get the scoop.

More Conspiracies – Parts 1 & 2

tin-foil-hat-warning2More Conspiracy – Part 1

“Meet the activists fighting to save Tennessee’s children from        ‘Islamic indoctrination'”

More Conspiracy – Part 2

“Did FEMA create Hurricane Matthew: Inside the wild theory that liberals created the storm


Keeping Unpleasantness Out of Sight

img_1958There may or may not be more homeless people these days. They definitely are more visible, though. The city of Portland may have a solution to homeless encampments. A viaduct for buses and light rail approaching the Tilikum Crossing opened about a year ago. To date not a single tent has been set up underneath the overpass. The photos may explain why.

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