Reminiscing About Simpler Times

Rose Mary Woods demonstrates how she inadvertently erased 18 1/2 minutes of her boss's recordings.
Rose Mary Woods demonstrates how she inadvertently erased 18 1/2 minutes of her boss’s recordings.

President Richard Nixon had recording devices installed in various rooms of the White House. This was a continuation of a tradition initiated by Franklin Roosevelt. Nixon’s system utilized modern technology by being voice activated, eliminating having to remember to flip a switch to turn it on. The existence of this system came to light during 1973’s Watergate hearings.

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Richard Nixon’s Other Legacy

Playing devil’s advocate here…

How evil was Richard Nixon? He resigned in disgrace. But he left us with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), the Clean Air Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. Oh yeah, he also initiated diplomatic relations with China.