If you’ve flown on a commercial airline in the last twenty years or so, you may have noticed a disconnect between their advertising about pampering their customers and the general romance of flying and the reality of a la carte air travel.
Airlines have progressively increased the number of things you pay additional for that used to be included in the price of your ticket: checked baggage, changing a reservation and food as examples. Some charge extra for priority boarding, even for carry-on luggage.
British Airways has taken the lead, with some others, in a new thing to charge you for: complaining. Yes, that’s correct, if you are not pleased with how they treated you, for £25 ($33), they will accept your complaint. In fairness, though, it should be pointed out that if they judge your complaint to be justified, they will refund the fee.
For your amusement, here is how one passenger on United Airlines – judged the “Worst Airline Ever” – registered his dissatisfaction.