Canada and the U.S.Eh.

Coal Harbour, Vancouver B.C.

Time is running out if you are one of the many who vowed to emigrate to Canada. Less than a week remains until Inauguration Day and the new President of these United States. Have you learned what Loonies and Toonies are yet? And remember, no one-dollar bills and no pennies. Canadian elections are different from what you’re used to. Citizens complained about the length of the last election campaign – 78 days. Compare that to U.S. campaigns measured in years.

Friendly Natives

It will take some getting used to for you to let go of your cynicism and not be suspicious because Canadians are so darned nice. If you’re the intellectual type, read here about the origin of the all-purpose invariant tag “eh.” (And what is an “invariant tag.”)

Interesting side note: Several years ago, we sold our business to a Canadian firm. In the course of their due diligence, they were very, shall we say, impressed with what our company spent on employee health coverage… compared to their expense of zero.

To help with your transition to the new culture, watch this educational video.