The Good Die Young


E.J. Jackson, founder and president of Jackson Limousine Service in Los Angeles, died last week of a heart attack. He was sixty-six years old. His thirty-plus-year project of providing Thanksgiving turkey dinner to those who really need it will continue.

In Case You Missed This

engle_and_crewIf you did not stay up late election night, you probably haven’t seen this. The talking heads were preening in the spotlight, making light-hearted banter about the pundits, including themselves, and how wrong they were. Oh well. Then Foreign correspondent Richard Engel came on and spoiled their party.

Unfortunately, this clip doesn’t include their reaction to Engel’s downer.

Pizza and Disney and Wine and Utopia

roundbarnDomino’s Pizza impresario, Tom Monaghan had his “Aha” moment, so the story goes, after digesting the results from his surveys of pizza customers. He learned that for many, having the product brought to them was more important than whether the product was any good. And so began the thirty minutes or it’s free Domino’s delivery promise. Enough people were killed or maimed by Domino’s delivery drivers trying to beat the deadline, that the company no longer makes that guarantee.

Continue reading “Pizza and Disney and Wine and Utopia”

Who Would Jesus Vote For?

catholic-church-old-town-san-diego-6659-2Property owners who pay no property tax have issued their Voter’s Guide for Serious Catholics. “It is a mortal sin to vote Democrat … immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell.”

Read about it here.